Toolyzer. The simulation for superior cutting tools and processes.
Toolyzer can be used to virtually examine and evaluate any tool geometries and machining processes: Quick forecasts of process forces, torques and power, detection of critical engagement conditions and prediction of workpiece qualities for almost any machining process.
The result: improved productivity, shorter development times and ultimately cost savings.
There are no limits to the kinematics: whether complicated 5-axis milling processes or special processes such as gear skiving – everything is possible. Toolyzer runs on commercially available hardware. Thanks to its ease of use, the training period is short.
Enhance productivity
Discover untapped potential for increased productivity?
This is easily possible with Toolyzer. Cutting tools and processes can be analyzed in a short time. The actual optimum is found. In contrast to conventional simulations based on the finite element method, Toolyzer requires only a fraction of the calculation time. There are no limits to the number of variants.
Shorten development times
Fewer prototypes, application tests and getting there faster?
Toolyzer helps to reduce the number of prototype tests required. Virtual analysis significantly reduces development times. The time-to-market is greatly reduced.
Save costs!
The result: increased cost efficiency
Direct cost savings are achieved through fewer prototypes, shorter development times and higher productivity. The understanding created with Toolyzer results in greater innovative strength and a technical lead.
Application examples
Insert based tools
Torque optimization, tool body collision analysis, inspect individual cutting edges and much more.
End mills
Design of e.g. number of teeth, tooth pitch, helix and rake angle, cording, shapes.
Gear cutting
Gear skiving, gear hobbing, special processes. Analysis of effective rake and clearance angles, workpiece quality.
Force and torque prognosis
Quick and easy three-dimensional prediction of forces and moments for tools and processes of any complexity.
Collision analysis
Determination of collision-free ramp angles and slopes for any operation, e.g. create slope maps for circular milling or identify critical cross axis angles during gear skiving.
Individual cutting edge analysis
Toolyzer allows the analysis of effective rake angles and effective clearance angles, effective chip thicknesses or the process forces for each cutting edge individually. Targeted optimization of tools and processes and identification of the causes of early failure has never been so easy.
Workpiece quality
The simulated workpiece geometry can be evaluated directly using an integrated nominal/actual comparison. This immediately determines whether the geometric tolerances are being adhered to or whether the tool, tool path or process parameters need to be adjusted. Effects such as run-out errors or vibrations can also be taken into account. The workpiece geometry can be exported at any time.
Turning, milling, drilling, gear cutting or special processes. Custom API available.
Real tool geometry
Modeling of the actual cutting tool for maximum precision. Arbitrary geometries possible.
Local cutting edge inspection
Inspect parameters such as chip thickness and effective angles per cutting edge.
Forces and torque
Prediction of process forces, torques and power. Tool and workpiece related.
Workpiece quality
Analysis of the machined workpiece surface. Integrated nominal/actual comparison.
Tool indentation
Determine indentation of flank faces to avoid unfavorable engagement conditions.
Contact us for your individual demo!
Toolyzer. Better tools and processes. Fast.